Buisneses I do support
I want to create a community rather than competition.
We are living in times when, in any branch of the market, we are being taken over by corporate giants and stockholders. I believe this slowly leads to a reduction of personal freedom, civil rights, and diminishes creativity and the potential for human expression. The people listed below have committed to creating individual brands in their passions and interests. I know them. I trust them. I want to honor them.
Marta Brzosko - Writer, facilitator, community weaver.A person who has been a big inspiration and help in building that website
Mp Contractor - A great fencer around Perhshire area
Paul Ross -A passionate gardener in Perhshire area
Matt Frixaudet - A landscaper with huge expierience
phone number: 07557 353 307
Rob Wills - A Somatic expierence practitioner based in Edinburgh(can work online)
Tomasz Mikrut - Graphic designer with expierience and vision
Rachel Cheer Hope - Ceremonies - A commited celebrant with creative mind(Perthshire)
Barbara Kucera Radość śpiewania (Joy of singing) - Voice trainer focused on physiology of human body (Poland)
"Helping others is the way we help ourselves"
Oprach Winfrey