Philosophy of health
Observing it lead me to suffering. Narrowing my field of interest has always led me to cognitive suffering. It's also my life circumstances. Year after year proves that whenever I thought I found something revolutionary in the health field, life soon showed that theory is not as consistent, and I have to look for widening the perspective again. And again...
To some point, it set me free with a deep and obvious realization of the COMPLEXITY OF LIFE. That insight gave me a life long passion. I feel relieved I won't get bored. ever again
Life is incredibly complex, and if someone claims to specialize in a particular area, it often means they are unwilling to see other aspects. That’s okay, but it should be named and acknowledged. Private healthcare is an unpleasant business area with an insane number of variables—some that you are aware of, some that you are not aware of, and some whose existence you may not even recognize.
It operates on millions of physical, chemical, psychological, biochemical, biophotonic, biomechanical, electromagnetic, and many other principles. One principle or disorder within this system can bend the rules of others.
Due to compleixity of life health practitioner very often apply PRICIPLE OF COMPENSATION without know it.
The Principle of compensation
Due to the fact that we have plenty of compensatory systems (as we operate on so many rules), health specialists often enhance health by placing stress on the body in different ways, places, or systems. This often happens without the awareness of the practitioner due to a weakness in specialization.
They improve your symptomatic health by putting stress on the body in different ways. However, that only lasts for a while.Does do not means the practitioner hasn’t put a lot of energy into genuinely helping you.
In the health business, it’s often best to extract the compensatory abilities of a person from different angles without fully letting them know what is happening. Until those compensatory capacities are exploited, everyone can say that’s just the age, as compensatory capacity naturally decreases with age. It becomes harder to target the problem in the long run
Here I will name w few exapmles however it's not a space to explain them
Any dietary advice, without implementing an environmental context, even if short-term effective, can be detrimental in the long run.
Massage (with the intention of relaxing muscles) is not a good solution for fixing your chronic back pain and shoulder issues in the long run.
Deciding to train at the gym and forcing yourself to cut your energy intake is a terrible first step in losing weight and regaining hormonal balance.
Going for a detox (since you have a chronic condition) is a terrible first step in managing a dysregulated nervous system (it's so hard to diagnose it).