Philosophy of health

Somewhere on our timeline, we have slowly accepted the hidden agreement within society. A STATUS QUO where we subconsciously feel that interacting with systemic health care, we can only receive a suppression of our symptoms. Almost nothing is aiming to get us healthier; it’s all about making us less symptomatic to keep going. And yet, we play this game as everyone does, not showing strong verbal disappointment about how superficially we are perceived by health professionals in the richness of scientific material in integrative health.

That leads to the response of individual and brave units. In the era of flourishing alternative therapies as a response to the pathologies of the healthcare system, more and more therapists offer solutions they do not fully understand. They fall into the tricks of selling methods and nicely packaged philosophies.(prepared in very american saleing way) In some way, it’s the promise of being respected, maybe wealthy, and maybe influential.

Since public healthcare is constantly taking steps away from understanding life and health just by contrast it's easier to promote a seemingly real cause of ailment by alternative health care. Naturally it comes with promotion of own method/paradigm and ideology.

This has led to the development of a services focused on promoting the conceptual rules of disease. I would like to highlight a few of them:

  • Parasites, viruses, and bacteria

  • Processed foods, meat consumption, and plant-based diets

  • Heavy metals and toxins

  • Lack of exercise

  • Suppressed emotions

  • Subconscious beliefs

  • Weak biofield, aura, or blocked energetic channels

  • Misalignment

  • Fascia and muscle issues

Each of these factors can be valid in certain circumstances, and the growing awareness surrounding them is commendable.

However, when we examine individual cases without prioritizing the factors that are specifically tailored to each patient, it often leads to frustration. Every therapeutic approach can feel like taking one step forward and one step back. Most of therapist feel that.A patients who have been seeking help for an extended period can sense this too.

Observing it lead me to suffering. Narrowing my field of interest has always led me to cognitive suffering. It's also my life circumstances. Year after year proves that whenever I thought I found something revolutionary in the health field, life soon showed that theory is not as consistent, and I have to look for widening the perspective again. And again...

To some point, it set me free with a deep and obvious realization of the COMPLEXITY OF LIFE. That insight gave me a life long passion. I feel relieved I won't get bored. ever again

Complexity of life

the sun is setting over a mountain range
the sun is setting over a mountain range

Life is incredibly complex, and if someone claims to specialize in a particular area, it often means they are unwilling to see other aspects. That’s okay, but it should be named and acknowledged. Private healthcare is an unpleasant business area with an insane number of variables—some that you are aware of, some that you are not aware of, and some whose existence you may not even recognize.

It operates on millions of physical, chemical, psychological, biochemical, biophotonic, biomechanical, electromagnetic, and many other principles. One principle or disorder within this system can bend the rules of others.

Due to compleixity of life health practitioner very often apply PRICIPLE OF COMPENSATION without know it.

The Principle of compensation

Due to the fact that we have plenty of compensatory systems (as we operate on so many rules), health specialists often enhance health by placing stress on the body in different ways, places, or systems. This often happens without the awareness of the practitioner due to a weakness in specialization.

They improve your symptomatic health by putting stress on the body in different ways. However, that only lasts for a while.Does do not means the practitioner hasn’t put a lot of energy into genuinely helping you.

In the health business, it’s often best to extract the compensatory abilities of a person from different angles without fully letting them know what is happening. Until those compensatory capacities are exploited, everyone can say that’s just the age, as compensatory capacity naturally decreases with age. It becomes harder to target the problem in the long run

Here I will name w few exapmles however it's not a space to explain them

Any dietary advice, without implementing an environmental context, even if short-term effective, can be detrimental in the long run.

Massage (with the intention of relaxing muscles) is not a good solution for fixing your chronic back pain and shoulder issues in the long run.

Deciding to train at the gym and forcing yourself to cut your energy intake is a terrible first step in losing weight and regaining hormonal balance.

Going for a detox (since you have a chronic condition) is a terrible first step in managing a dysregulated nervous system (it's so hard to diagnose it).

Although it all looks quite hopeless and depressing. We have to keep looking with hope. There's something about life that anytime we make a change full of will, a path unfolds in front of us in surprising ways. I've been there, and thanks to that, I can write those words for you. You might end up seeing 60 practitioners over the years, and they might not help you with what your initial problem was. They still could help you see other things in a more conscious way. They will support you the best they can (but don't be afraid to be challenging to their beliefs), and you will support them on that complicated journey. As I mentioned previously, it all ends up with questions: why I'm here, what do I believe, and how do I want to still serve the world before I die.

Keep on searching and stick to hope

It's hard to define a solution when death is inevitable.

If we pull the thread long enough in health discussions, we always end up talking on our spiritual beliefs ,coming death and mission in life .

Each of our cells in each organ is designed to work weaker over time. Due to that phenomenon, recognizing potential for improvement (within the complexity of life) is tricky and cannot be effectively given without setting a goal, mission, or purpose in life.Even then, there is always a risk for disappointment.

I'm passionate about precise and fair communication, backed by solid explanations of why some therapies offer help in specific fields, often using words like: 'can be beneficial, can help with... people find it helpful.' Not labeling myself as a specialist in any field of health is a bold thing to do. I know, and yet I feel there is no other way for me, and I will die trying to understand life as complex as I can.

"Any one who holds the true opinion without understanding is like a blind man on the right road."
