Spending money on private healthcare is tricky. It can be the biggest investment of your life or an enormous waste of money for someone who pretends to know more than they do.

On the other hand, we collectively accept spending money on Netflix, coffee, or beer in the pub—forms of entertainment that support businesses that don’t care about your wellness. Those business can actually degrade it.

Choosing a health service of private businesses carries risk of dissapointment. Rememer we are the people who at least trying to understand human life and offering help, while also needing to pay the bills.

Entertainment/addiction buisness are not even pretending to get you healthier.

If you are struggling, I’m happy to discuss a discount with you. Please be mindful and kind; do not ask me for a discount if you have spent unnecessary money on entertainment or addiction businesses. I hope this is fair and that you will understand.

Spinal Adjustment:

  • Initial Consultation: £60

  • Second Visit: £50

  • Subsequent Visits: £40 each

Cranio-Sacral Therapy:

  • Consultation: £60

  • Treatment: £50 per session

Health Consulting:

  • Rate: £40 per hour
    (Please send a brief email outlining your case so I can read and optimize your time for questions. Keep it to one page, please.)

Special Discount for Craniosacral Therapy

I understand that some individuals may face financial difficulties, which is why I offer a £15 discount on craniosacral therapy for those who truly need support and cannot work due to their circumstances.

Eligibility Criteria: This discount is intended for individuals who genuinely struggle financially. However, please note that this discount is not applicable if you:

  • Regularly visit pubs and bars

  • Can afford to go to the cinema or restaurants

  • Frequently order takeaways

  • Can afford to go on holidays

I believe in providing support to those who need it most, and I appreciate your understanding of these guidelines.

Economy does not lie in sparing money, but in spending it wisely.

Thomas Henry Huxley